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The program for September was Academy 4, which is an organization that targets Title 1 schools who are economically disadvantaged, offering mentorship for fourth graders. Megan Piwonka and Kaitlin Bolin made the presentation, sharing that they are looking for mentors for Bertram Elementary School.

Mentors are volunteers who offer 3 hours of their time one Friday per month to work with these fourth graders. The reason they offer these services to fourth grade students is that this is considered a pivotal phase in their development.

One aspect of Academy 4 is their Spark Clubs. Currently, they have clubs for science, chess, money, and a few others. Academy 4 is currently looking for assistants and club leaders for these Spark clubs.


Don't miss the Ribbon Cutting at Bertram Elementary School!

Monday, October 16th at 5:00 p.m.


The next Women in Business event will be held on October 3rd. At this time, we are seeking donations for the raffle drawings for that event. If you could help by donating a raffle prize or a monetary donation, it would be greatly appreciated. Donations can be dropped off to Lori at R Bank.




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