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Local Pecan Shop Honored


This October marks the 24th season for The Nutcracker Station in Bertram, Tx. The business was started in 1999 by Milton and Charla Stark in a storage unit building by the car wash. Milton was looking for something to keep himself busy in his early retirement years, and this venture went on to become a huge part of the Stark legacy. At first, Milton helped Mr. Roach keep up with his cracking and shelling services before he finally bought the equipment from him, and that is when The Nutcracker Station was born. The business continues to grow each year, and the inventory has evolved over the course of time. Their span of influence has also broadened across Texas, nationally, and even internationally. Located at 435 E. Hwy 29 in Bertram, they welcome patrons in to sample the delicious pecans, jams, salsas, popcorn, and more. For a more detailed list of services, please visit their website at


Damon Beierle, Precinct 2 Commissioner


Fratelli's Pizza

Thank you for lunch


Three area non-profits were able to give information about their organizations at this month's Chamber meeting. Betty Predmore spoke about her non-profit counseling center for women. When sharing about Mom-Sense, Betty gave a history of how the organization came to be and how delighted she is to offer services to local women.

Brittany Grubbs and Janessa Hardaway offered information about CASA, and mentioned the need for more CASA volunteers, as there are over 30 kids in the 5 counties they serve that are currently without CASA advocates. They stated the next volunteer training would begin in February for any who might be interested in volunteering as a CASA advocate. The CASA representatives also shared the date of their upcoming Boots & BBQ fundraiser, which will take place in February.

Gary Grumoli gave some stats on the YMCA of the Highland Lakes, stating that there are currently 4402 members. He shared about the renovation that is currently underway at the Burnet facility, which is offering an upgrade to the fitness center, including making the pool an indoor pool, updating lighting and locker rooms, getting a new pool pump. According to Gary, the YMCA of the Highland Lakes has given out over $55,000.00 of financial assistance to families for programs in the past year.



Janessa Hardaway of CASA for the Highland Lakes Area hosted a Coffee with CASA gathering at BTX Coffee on October 25th. The purpose was to have an informal time of sharing who CASA is, what they need, and how to be involved.


Coffee With A Cop

The most recent Coffee with a Cop was hosted at the Bertram Nursing & Rehab Center. The residents enjoyed getting to visit with the Police officers and community members, and having their photos taken.


Congratulations R BANK on your 10-year anniversary!









Open to all business within the Bertram City Limits. If you would like to compete, please notify Lori at or 512-627-6691.


2024-2025 Visitors Guide Ads are Now on Sale


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